Kerberos Part 2 – How do I keep it secure and running?
Kerberos plays an important role in cybersecurity. Find out how to keep it up and running and secure in the following blog post.
September 25, 2023
Morgan Holm

Kerberos Part 1 - What is it and how does it work?
Kerberos plays an important role in cybersecurity. Find out what it is and how it works in the following blog post.
September 15, 2023
Morgan Holm

How do you know who has access to what in Active Directory?
Active Directory (AD) is the primary method to provide authentication and authorization at 90% of the Global Fortune 1000 companies and the vast majority of organizations of all sizes. AD security issues can result in costly service disruptions and potentially data breaches or even non-compliance.
December 01, 2022
Morgan Holm

Active Directory is dead, long live Active Directory
If you were to look at topics being covered at Microsoft’s conferences, announcements, or social media one could easily assume that Active Directory (AD) is dead. It is correct that many organizations are embracing SaaS solutions and are going through digital transformations.
March 17, 2021
Morgan Holm

Cygna Auditor SIEM Event Forwarding
Cygna Auditor can now forward events to SIEM systems in a standard syslog format or in a structured view to Splunk.
February 08, 2021
Morgan Holm

Cygna Labs Adds SIEM Event Forwarding and Identity Grouping Features to Cygna Auditor Version 2.0
Cygna Labs releases a new version of Cygna Auditor (v 2.0.380) that implements event forwarding to SIEM systems as well as an account mapping feature that allows for the grouping of an individual’s user accounts from multiple on-prem and cloud systems to a searchable identity.
January 25, 2021
Morgan Holm

Delegation in Cygna Auditor
The Cygna Labs platform allows you to view and combine audit information from across your hybrid multi-cloud systems in a single web console.
September 20, 2020
Morgan Holm