IPAM Executive Failover Appliances
A redundant EX enables single command activation of the backup system to enable rapid and otherwise automated failover

IPAM Executive Failover Appliances
Diamond IP products offer several high availability options for all of our Sapphire appliance models, including our Sapphire Executive (EX) appliances. A backup EX deployed locally or geographically-dispersed supports redundancy through transactional database replication. While the outage of an EX appliance does not affect the operations of deployed DHCP/DNS services, which run autonomously, it would affect the ability of administrators to make changes. A redundant EX enables single command activation of the backup system to enable rapid and otherwise automated failover.
Effortless resiliency
Deployed DHCP and DNS services automatically detect the change in available EX and connect to the currently active systems. Administrators can also login to the backup EX seamlessly thanks to DNS configuration. The need for a single command is intent on retaining control on failover to administrators without flapping which can sometimes occur among two peer systems.

Robust monitoring
To support automation and to add an “external” perspective to prevent flapping, the Sapphire EMA supports continual monitoring of both the primary and backup EX systems and can automatically initiate the failover from the primary EX to the backup EX.

User-definable failover conditions
Administrator-defined criteria afford controls on defining an outage condition and alerts are provided for notification of faults and failover events. These criteria are defined as criteria sets which define what services states comprises a “down” state. One or more sets each comprising one or more services and corresponding states may be defined. Detection of any one criteria set match would comprise a “down” state conclusion. Such criteria to select from include specification of the state of each major Executive service or daemon.