Maximizing the benefits of your DDI solution
By providing an efficient solution for roll-out, configuration, patching and upgrades of DNS and DHCP servers, the runIP Management Platform optimizes the efficiency and value of your DDI investment.
The overhead of a traditional approach is eliminated, as well as the administrative overhead of coordinating various groups such as change management with product, server and security managers. runIP transfers the renowned efficiency and flexibility of your DDI-Solution in the administration of IP Addresses to managing the software and version levels on individual DNS & DHCP servers.
To create runIP, we combined the experience gained from setting up thousands of DNS & DHCP servers and hundreds of DDI environments into one holistic solution. runIP is suitable both for those companies that want to further reduce the operating costs of their existing DDI installation and for those that want to make their initial installation or further roll-out even more efficient and successful.
The runIP solution is completed by its integrated, comprehensive real-time monitoring of the DNS and DHCP services and operating system and extensive long-term statistics. This ensures that you always have an overview of the DNS and DHCP services as well as the operating system. In addition, you can review performance graphs, e.g. for CPU or RAM utilization or statistics on DNS or DHCP requests. Since its launch in 2003, more than 85 customers in 55 countries have successfully deployed a total of over 1,500 appliances.
runIP now supports DDI solutions from three different manufacturers, which can be used individually, but also in different ways. This increases your flexibility, plannability, as well as future and cost security.
Wide selection of signed packages for immediate deployment without complex testing
Lower capital investment and lower operating costs than with conventionally deployed servers
Optimized and secured platform for DNS- and DHCP-servers
Unique technology with central management station for managing the software packages per appliance
Comprehensive monitoring of the runIP Management Station including application-level monitoring of the DNS and DHCP services
Highly available DNS
DNS security in interaction with runIP Radar
Support of runIP on VMware, HyperV and KVM
Support for Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, and Alibaba Cloud
Lights-out management for all physical models
Comprehensive support for the entire solution through a reliable partner
Worldwide HW support, also 24x7 on request
Adapts individually to your environment
Extension of the functional range through extensive service support such as runIP Radar, AAA, porttracker and NTP
Our experienced engineers will fine-tune the demo based on your specific needs. You’ll find out how easy it can be to secure your sensitive data.