DDI as code

Timothy Rooney
Apr 25, 2022

IP Address Management (IPAM) and its corollary functions DHCP and DNS, collectively DHCP-DNS-IPAM (DDI), is often considered a necessary evil by most IT and Operations Engineers. Every time a new virtual instance in the cloud or on prem is instantiated, or an old-fashioned server is deployed, both an IP address and DNS name need to be assigned…every time. Of course, the assigned IP address must be unique at least within a given routing domain, and the DNS name must be uniquely resolvable to enable users and other machines to connect with it. Beyond their respective uniqueness requirements, these core configuration elements must also be relevant to their respective deployment realms, such as subnet and DNS domain, so just any old assignment won’t do. In addition, with the speed of today’s business demanding a highly dynamic rate of change in creating, realigning or destroying virtual instances across a multi-cloud network, the assignment process must be always available and instantly responsive to not impede your business velocity.
Eliminate Manual DDI with Automation
While assigning IP addresses and DNS names using manual methods such as spreadsheets is doable albeit cumbersome if not error-prone when addressing the first two requirements for uniqueness and context, they collapse under the third requirement for highly available and highly responsive assignment performance. An automated IP and DNS assignment process is needed with the ability to modularly plug into your IT and Operations flows to successfully meet this third requirement, not to mention the first two. Clearly a performant, scalable API-driven solution with a reliable repository is required to fortify your infrastructure-as-code approach, supplying IPAM-as-code capabilities.
Integrate DDI Automation with Broader IT Automation
When using Terraform, Ansible, Service Now, Cisco DNA Center, or any infrastructure or provisioning system, the incorporation of the IP and DNS assignments eliminates the manual process of consulting a spreadsheet or even non-integrated DDI repository. These systems can request an IP and DNS assignment during flow execution by invoking your DDI system’s API, virtually obscuring your DDI system to the joy of most IT and Operations Engineers! Finally, no more DDI!
But You Can’t Completely Get Rid of DDI
Well, not so fast. While the mundane process of manual assignment vanishes, you’ll still require visibility and some controls. You’ll need to be able to track assignments and to assure adequate addressing capacity for each of your addressing domains. For example, you may need to manage assignments and capacity across multiple public cloud services, internal data centers, branch offices, SDWAN-connected sites, and remote and home workers. With a comprehensive DDI solution you can maintain a cross-domain perspective spanning these diverse network environments through a single pane of glass, all while evanescing during the provisioning process.
Cygna Labs DDI: Powerful, Secure, Automation
IPControl from Cygna Labs Diamond IP is a performant, scalable, REST API-driven solution with a reliable repository and a pervasive perspective to enable you to plug into any programmable API environment for automation, while providing comprehensive IP and DNS visibility. Cygna Labs Diamond IP solutions offer the broadest, most flexible DDI solutions, from enabling DDI-as-code as highlighted here, to DDI-as-service with our multi-vendor managed services and everywhere in between, not to mention extensive DDI security solutions. Please contact us to arrange a demonstration.